
What is longitudinal section in plants?

What is longitudinal section in plants?

The longitudinal section is defined as the section along the long axis of the structure. It is also related to the other vertical sections (median, coronal and sagittal).

What type of vascular tissue arrangement does celery have in its stem stalk )?

Xylem and phloem arrange themselves in vas- cular bundles. Cutting a cross-section through stem usually shows the xylem on the inner side of the vascular bundle in a stem, while the phloem is found on the outer side of the vascular bundle.

What is the structure of celery?

Besides xylem (water-conducting) and phloem (food-conducting) tissues, which together are called vascular bundles, celery contains collenchyma tissue, which provides support for the plant.

What is longitudinal section and transverse section?

Longitudinal section: a cut that is parallel to the longest dimension of the organ or specimen. Oblique section: a cut that is at any angle between the longitudinal and transverse planes. Cross, or transverse, section: a cut that is perpendicular to the main plane of the organ or specimen.

What is longitudinal section of a root?

Longitudinal section: cut through the length of the root. Root hair zone: part of the root on which are located the root hairs that absorbs water and nutrients. Elongation zone: set of cells that determine the growth of the root.

What is longitudinal view?

n a wave that is propagated in the same direction as the displacement of the transmitting medium.

What process caused the water to go up to the celery stalk?

Water is able to move up the xylem through a process called capillary action. Capillary action occurs when the forces of cohesion and adhesion combine in such a way that they overcome the downward force of gravity, and cause water to move upward through the thin tubes.

What tissue is stained in the celery and flower?

Light micrograph of a cross-section through a stalk from a celery plant (Apium graveolens). Red eosin dye has been used to stain the xylem tissues. Each area of xylem tissue (red) is part of a structure called a vascular bundle. The outer part (curved) of the vascular bundles consist of phloem tissue.

What part of celery should you not eat?

Celery should be firm, crisp, and not wilted when purchased. Avoid any blemished stalks or cracked stalks.

Can you eat the whole celery stalk?

Celery is an indispensable ingredient in any kitchen, embraced for its distinctive flavor and versatility. Unlike most other vegetables, nothing goes to waste with celery — all parts of the plant are edible, including the crisp stalks, feathery green leaves, aromatic seeds, and even the bulbous root.

What is the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves?

The direction of these oscillations is the difference between longitudinal or transverse waves. In longitudinal waves , the vibrations are parallel to the direction of wave travel. In transverse waves , the vibrations are at right angles to the direction of wave travel.

Is vertical the same as longitudinal?

As adjectives the difference between vertical and longitudinal. is that vertical is along the direction of a plumbline or along a straight line that includes the center of the earth while longitudinal is relating to length, or to longitude.

Why is the stalk of a celery plant crunchy?

The crunchiness of the stalk is due to the types of cells that are contained in celery tissue. Fig. 1 The crunchy part of the celery that we eat is the stem of the plant. Image from Thomé.

Is the anterior cruciate ligament like a celery stalk?

The celery stalk sign is a term given to the appearance of the anterior cruciate ligament which has undergone mucoid degeneration and has been likened to that of a celery stalk. Its low signal longitudinal fibres are separated from each other by higher signal mucinous material, best appreciated on T2 weighted images.

What kind of tissue does a celery plant have?

Besides xylem (water-conducting) and phloem (food-conducting) tissues, which together are called vascular bundles, celery contains collenchyma tissue, which provides support for the plant.

How many calories are in a stalk of celery?

There are 9 calories in 1 stalk of large Celery. Calorie breakdown: 9% fat, 73% carbs, 17% protein.