
What is Louis Tomlinson catchphrase?

What is Louis Tomlinson catchphrase?

“Live fast, have fun, be a bit mischievous.” “Live life for the moment, because everything else is uncertain.” “I’m Louis the Tommo Tomlinson!”

What is Liam Payne’s catchphrase?

“Dreams are like stars. you may never touch them, but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny.” “The worst thing a boy can do is ignore a girl when she’s loving you with all her heart.”

What did Zayn say about 1D?

In his first solo interview since leaving the band, Zayn Malik told Fader magazine that One Direction’s music was “generic as f—” and that it didn’t fit his style. He said he wasn’t 100% behind the band’s music and that the group was recording what they were told would sell.

What is a Directioner?

A Directioner is a super fan of the British/Irish boy band called “One Direction”. Directioners are dedicated to the band’s five members: Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and people associated with them.

What does Louis Tomlinson rope tattoo mean?

A little above the rope is a flock of birds. The birds are five in number and represent all the members of One Direction. While explaining his flock of birds tattoo Tomlinson said, “Always stick together, Work as a team. Family and friends are on my side.”

What does Liam’s tattoo mean?

Liam tattooed the words “Somewhere is a place that nobody knows,” onto his arm during the South American leg of One Direction’s Where We Are Tour. He later revealed that the ink design is a line from a One Direction song, called “Man on a Mission,” that was never released!

What is the phobia of spoons called?

“See I’m not so much scared of spoons, I’ll hold one,” Liam said. But Liam isn’t the only one with a spoon problem, it turns out there is actually a name for this phobia: Koutaliaphobia. Koutaliaphobia, which Liam is well aware of, is defined as the extreme and often irrational fear of spoons.

Are Zayn and Niall still friends?

Niall Horan reveals Zayn Malik doesn’t keep in touch with the other members of the band at all, and essentially cut himself off once he left the band. “He’s quite a hard fella to keep in touch with,” Niall, 26, told The Sun of Zayn, 27. “He’d probably tell you that himself, to be fair.

What are Harry Styles fans called?

Harry Styles’ fandom are called ‘Stylers’.

Which is the craziest fandom in the world?

What are the top 10 craziest fandoms?

  • Directioners A Directioner is a super fan of the British/Irish boy band called “One Direction”.
  • The Beliebers.
  • Five Nights at Freddy’s Fandom.
  • Pokemon Genwunners.
  • Sonic fans.
  • SkyDoesMinecraft Fans.