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What is OIP in the army?

What is OIP in the army?

The OIP is a comprehensive written program addressing all inspections and audits conducted by the command and its subordinate elements, including those inspections and audits scheduled by outside agencies.

What is the difference between an IG inspection and staff inspection?

a. Inspector general inspections focus principally on issues that are systemic in nature and that affect many units throughout the command. IG inspections examine and recommend solutions for problems that command and staff inspections cannot solve at the local level.

Who is responsible for the organizational inspection program?

The principal requirement is that commanders, program managers, and directors must have an OIP. The only inspection mandated by AR 1-201 is the initial command inspection conducted for new commanders of companies, batteries, troops, detachments, or other similarly sized organizations.

What is an army ici?

Command Inspections within the battalion come in two forms: The Initial Command Inspection (ICI) and the Subsequent Command Inspection (SCI). Initial Command Inspections.

What is a battle task?

A battle task is a command group, staff, or subordinate organization mission essential task that is so critical that its accomplishment will determine the success of the next higher organization’s mission essential task. Battle tasks are selected for each mission essential task on the METL.

How do I contact Army Instagram?

The DoD IG Hotline can be reached at (800) 424-9098.

What are the five principles of an army inspection?

These five principles — purposeful, coordinated, focused on feedback, instructive, and followed-up (see paragraph 2-2 of Army Regulation 1-201) — support the five basic elements of an inspection.

What is an army inspection called?

Inspections (Platoon) (

What are the offensive forms of maneuver?

The forms of maneuver are envelopment, flank attack, frontal attack, infiltration, penetration, and turning movement. Commanders use these forms of maneuver to orient on the enemy, not terrain.

What are Army Warrior Tasks?

A Warrior Task is an individual skill that all Soldiers must be able to do to shoot, move and communicate on the battlefield. These skills are critical to Soldier survival. They include basic things such as firing your weapon, reacting to contact, land navigation, first aid and communicating on a radio.

What happens when you file an IG complaint?

The complaints resolution process begins when a complaint is received by the IG. If possible, the IG will acknowledge receipt of the complaint at that time. If the complaint was received via fax, e-mail, or mail, the IG is required to confirm receipt (in writing, by telephone, or in person) within 5 duty days.

Should I file an IG complaint?

If you have a concern and are unsure if you should file a complaint, contact your local IG office for guidance. Any Air Force military or civilian member may file an IG complaint. However, it is always best for the actual “victim” or person who witnessed the alleged wrongdoing to file the complaint.