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What is string in Delphi?

What is string in Delphi?

A string represents a sequence of characters. Delphi supports the following predefined string types. String types. Type. Maximum length.

How many characters can a string hold Delphi?

255 characters
In current versions of Delphi, the string type is simply an alias for AnsiString, So string is not limited to 255 characters but a string literal is. That means that you can build a string that is longer than 255 characters but you can not have a string value in code that is longer than 255 characters.

What is AnsiString?

An AnsiString variable is a structure containing string information. An AnsiString represents a single-byte string. With a single-byte character set (SBCS), each byte in a string represents one character.

What does #13 mean in Delphi?

The “#13#10” part represents a carriage return + line feed combination. The “#13” is the ASCII equivalent of the CR (carriage return) value; #10 represents LF (line feed). Two more interesting control characters include: #0 — NULL character.

What does #9 do in Delphi?

#9 tab display issue is message dialogs In latest Delphi versions #9 tabs does not work properly with message dialogs because Windows ignores tabs on buttons and dialogs.

What does #9 mean in Delphi?

The “#13” is the ASCII equivalent of the CR (carriage return) value; #10 represents LF (line feed). Two more interesting control characters include: #0 — NULL character. #9 — (horizontal) TAB.

Is a AnsiString a pointer?

Delphi stores an AnsiString as a pointer to a record, but instead of pointing to the start of the record, the AnsiString pointer points to the start of the Data member. The Length and RefCount members precede the string contents.

What does ORD do in Delphi?

The Ord function returns the ordinal value of a character or enumeration as a non-negative integer.

What does #13 do in Delphi?

#13 means an ordinal 13, or ascii for carriage return. Chr(13) is the same idea, CHR() changes the number to an ordinal type. Note that there are no semi-colon’s in this particular facet of Delphi, and “=” is used rather than “:=”. The text for each line is enclosed in single quotes.

How do you make a new line in Pascal?

  1. Write(#13#10); writes a CR + LF sequence. If you want an extra new line: WriteLn(‘Give me more space’#13#10); – LU RD.
  2. And if you want to start with a new line: WriteLn(#13#10’Start with a new line’); – LU RD. May 5 ’18 at 10:36.
  3. Thanks for the comments, it’s exactly what I was looking for. – Khang. May 5 ’18 at 10:55.

What is WriteLn in Pascal programming?

Description. WriteLn does the same as Write for text files, and emits a Carriage Return – LineFeed character pair after that. If the parameter F is omitted, standard output is assumed. If no variables are specified, a newline character sequence is emitted, resulting in a new line in the file F .

What are the different types of string in Delphi?

The assignment s:=p, where s is a string variable and p is a PChar expression, copies a null-terminated string into a long string. In addition to four string data types, Delphi has three character types: Char , AnsiChar, and ​ WideChar. A string constant of length 1, such as ‘T’, can denote a character value.

What’s the difference between comparestr and = in Delphi?

I just want to know the difference between CompareStr and = for comparing strings in Delphi. Both yield the same result. Both show message Palindrome. Use CompareStr not when you just want to see whether two strings are equal, but when you want to know how one string compares relative to another.

What is the maximum length of a short string in Delphi?

The s variable is a Short string variable capable of holding up to 256 characters, its memory is a statically allocated 256 bytes. Since this is usually wasteful – unlikely will your short string spread to the maximum length – second approach to using Short Strings is using subtypes of ShortString, whose maximum length is anywhere from 0 to 255.

What’s the difference between Char and null in Delphi?

Since the array has no length indicator, Delphi uses the ASCII 0 (NULL; #0) character to mark the boundary of the string. This means there is essentially no difference between a null-terminated string and an array [0..NumberOfChars] of type Char, where the end of the string is marked by #0.