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What is the command form of esperar?

What is the command form of esperar?

Mode: Imperative

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Tu esperes
El/Ella espere
Nosotros esperemos

Is Esperas a formal command?

Imperatives, or commands, are a bit complicated in grammar, but I might as well slip in here that the written “espere” is a formal command and if you are commanding more than one person to wait for you, you would say “esperad”. “Espera” meaning “to expect” comes in all the same sorts of phrases as we say in English.

How do you conjugate esperar?

Esperar is a Spanish regular ar verb meaning to wait, to hope….Esperar Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo espero
él/ella espera
nosotros/as esperamos
vosotros/as esperáis

What is esperar in past tense?

Esperar is a Spanish verb meaning to wait, to hope. Esperar is conjugated as a regular ar verb in the preterite tense….Esperar Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo esperé
ellos/ellas esperaron

What are the 4 You commands in Spanish?

Imperative Mood (commands)

  • The imperative (imperativo) is used to give commands or orders.
  • There are four forms of the imperative: tú, usted, nosotros, and ustedes.
  • For the usted, nosotros, and ustedes forms, the imperative is formed using the corresponding forms of the present subjunctive.

What is subjunctive used for in Spanish?

El presente de subjuntivo (Spanish present subjunctive) can be better defined as a grammatical mood rather than a proper tense and is used in Spanish to express personal opinions, unreal or hypothetical wishes, doubts, commands or feelings in the present or the future.

What is the affirmative Tu command for leer?


Affirmative Imperative Read! lee
Negative Commands Don’t read! no leas

What does the Spanish word Mirar mean in English?

Definitions. an informal use of the Latin word for mother; sometimes used by British schoolboys or used facetiously.

What is Mandatos?

A command (el mandato) is often used to give instructions and to tell people what you would like them to do. In Spanish, commands may be either informal or formal, singular or plural, affirmative or negative. Informal commands are used with people whom you address as tú.

What is the TU command for comer?

no comas
ER: comer

Affirmative Command Negative Command
come no comas
él/ella/ud. coma no coma
nosotros comamos no comamos

What is subjunctive in Spanish examples?

Like espero + que also quiero + que is one of the best examples of the subjunctive in Spanish. It expresses a wish, an order, or a desire. The verb that follows is always in the subjunctive mood. ¡Quiero que te vas! is therefore incorrect.

What does Esperar mean when it is followed by a verb?

Esperar Que Followed by a Verb. Esperar que is typically followed by a verb (although the verb may have a subject). If that verb is in the subjunctive mood, esperar can often be understood to mean “hope,” while if that verb is in the indicative mood, it usually can be understood to mean “expect.”.

When to use the phrase’estar Esperando’?

The phrase estar esperando can be used in the same way as the English “to be expecting” when referring to pregnancy: Carme Chacón confirma que el bebé que está esperando es un niño. (Carme Chacon confirms that the baby she is expecting is a boy.)

When to use subjunctive mood after Esperar que?

Esperar Que Followed by a Verb. The use of the indicative mood in the first sentence suggests some degree of certainty, while the subjunctive mood of the second indicates desire. The use of the subjunctive following esperar que is far more common than not.

Are there any formal affirmative commands in Spanish?

Affirmative Formal Commands Infinitive Ud. Present Subjunctive Ud. Formal Command Uds. Present Subjunctive Uds. Formal Command hablar hable hable hablen hablen comer coma coma coman coman vivir viva viva vivan vivan