
What is the postal code of Sharjah UAE?

What is the postal code of Sharjah UAE?

zip code Of Al Majaz 3 – Sharjah – United Arab Emirates

Pincode : 000000
Address : Al Majaz 3 – Sharjah – United Arab Emirates
Country : United Arab Emirates

How can I find my postal code in UAE?

Technically, the UAE has no system of postal (zip) codes. If you want to receive mail, a person should apply for a PO Box from their local post office. Other Gulf and Middle East countries also follow the same system.

What is Dubai ZIP postal code?

Dubai postal code is ”00000” as well as Dubai Zip Code is also ”00000” and the fact behind this number is the same. now you can answer if anybody wants to know about the Postal code of Dubai or Dubai Zip Code you’ll advise him to write down five zeros as a symbolic effect.

What is the 4 digits after the ZIP Code called?

ZIP+4 Codes (or ZIP Plus 4 Codes) are the final 4 digits of a full nine-digit ZIP Code. The 9-digit ZIP Code consists of two sections. The first five digits indicate the destination post office or delivery area. The last 4 digits represent specific delivery routes within delivery areas.

How to contact Al Mas cargo in India?

They can use app, mobile, website platform or simply call our customer service helpline to speak to our executives. With the help of this app, you will also get notified on latest offers and promotions provided by Al Mas Cargo LLC and its subsidiaries.

Which is the best cargo company in Sharjah?

Al Mas Cargo LLC is a leading cargo movers company in the Sharjah, UAE, and we’re in this field since 2001. The company has more than 900 destinations across the globe and still engaged in expanding its market share.

How many postal codes are there in Sharjah?

2017 Apr 02 (press release): The SUPC announced that the pilot phase of the Postal Code System (PCS) was complete, and full implementation of about 102,000 postal code signboards in Sharjah would begin (102,076 signs). Locators appear to be 5 digit numbers.

Is there an app to track cargo in Sharjah?

With the Al Mas Cargo LLC Tracking App Sharjah, UAE you can keep track of your container shipments move-by-move. At Al Mas Cargo our services are Fast, Direct and Dedicated. The same qualities apply to our free mobile App, which enables you to track and trace your cargo container shipment at your convenience.