Users' questions

What is the Romulan symbol?

What is the Romulan symbol?

The emblem of the Romulan Star Empire is known as “the Eagle”. It is a symbol of military might and honor, displayed on the bridge of every Romulan warship, yet also symbolizes civilian pride in the Romulan state, and is found at public facilities throughout the Empire.

Who destroyed the Romulan Star?

In the more recent reference book Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (“Stellar Cartography”, p. 35), the explosion of Hobus was called a “subspace supernova”. This event resulted in the destruction of the entire Romulan star system, with billions killed.

Is the Romulan Empire a democracy?

Members of the Reman resistance and the Vulcan reunification movement have also established a Romulan Republic on “New Romulus” as a democratic state, allied with the Federation and the Klingon Empire in opposition to Sela’s dictatorial regime.

What is a star empire?

Star Empires is a game about the exploration of an immense star cluster, a sequel to Star Probe. Players start the game with control of a civilization which is just beginning interstellar exploration.

Are the Romulans evil?

Romulan (noun) Evil alien race. They killed Kirk’s father! The Romulans, of which the evil Nero was one, share ancestry with Vulcans, and they believed in the 2009 Star Trek that Spock had something to do with the destruction of their planet Romulus 129 years ago.

How far is Vulcan from Earth?

16.5 light-years away
In Star Trek lore, Vulcan is the home of logic, learning and the deeply beloved first officer Mr. Spock. While Vulcan is fictional, the star system it belongs to–40 Eridani–is very real. It’s located only 16.5 light-years away from Earth and its primary star can be spotted with the naked eye.

Can Romulans mind meld?

Though Romulans and Vulcans share common biological origins, as far as I know, only Vulcans are able to initiate mind melds. Once Narek is in position to follow them, the Romulans let them go. They’re not the only ones affected by Picard and Soji.

Did the Romulans create the Borg?

Adding together a shared Romulan/Borg myth, a deep dark secret and a burning hatred for robots, the most obvious conclusion is that the Romulans were somehow integral in the creation of the Borg.

Are Klingons and Romulans related?

The existence of a “Romulan-Klingon alliance” in the 23rd century has never been explicitly stated. In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan the Neutral Zone is referenced in relation to Klingon territory while previously it was only known to relate to the divide between Federation an Romulan territories.

Is Spock a Romulan?

Whenever the schism between the two species happened, it was long enough ago such that significant genetic differences have since evolved between Vulcans and Romulans. They discover that Spock has not defected; instead, he’s been working with an underground movement to support the reunification of Romulans and Vulcans.

Why are the Romulans so evil?

Romulans tend to be highly xenophobic, engaging in extended periods of isolationism, and could be perceived as outright racist to other species, believing themselves to be superior. At least some Romulans believed that, one day, the Romulan Empire would rule the entire galaxy and that Humans would be extinct.

Where is Vulcan from Earth?

In Star Trek lore, Vulcan is the home of logic, learning and the deeply beloved first officer Mr. Spock. While Vulcan is fictional, the star system it belongs to–40 Eridani–is very real. It’s located only 16.5 light-years away from Earth and its primary star can be spotted with the naked eye.

What was the name of the Romulan Star Empire?

Within known space, the Romulan Star Empire was the fifth largest interstellar entity. The larger entities were the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Tholian Assembly, and the Breen Confederacy. The two largest interstellar powers of known space, the United Federation of Planets and the Klingons were its neighbors.

What was the name of the Star Empire in Star Trek?

The Romulan Star Empire, also known in some Romulan languages as the Rihannsu Star Empire and as the Latasam Stelai Rom’lnz which when translated meant Star Road of the People, was the primary Romulan state.

Where did the Romulans settle in Star Trek Nemesis?

They settled on the planets Romulus and Remus, subjugating the native Remans in the process. ( TNG: ” Gambit, Part I “; Star Trek Nemesis) The development of warp drive enabled the Romulans to expand their state into a Star Empire.

When was the destruction of the Romulan Empire?

By the late 23rd century, the Empire counted among the great powers in its region of the Milky Way Galaxy until the destruction of Romulus and its replacement by the Romulan Free State .