
What is the triad of Virchow?

What is the triad of Virchow?

The three factors of Virchow’s triad include intravascular vessel wall damage, stasis of flow, and the presence of a hypercoagulable state.

Why is it called Virchow’s triad?

Virchow’s triad or the triad of Virchow (/ˈfɪərkoʊ/) describes the three broad categories of factors that are thought to contribute to thrombosis. It is named after the renowned German physician Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)….

Virchow’s triad
Differential diagnosis thrombosis

What is the Virchow’s triad that predisposes blood vessel to thrombosis?

Virchow’s triad described the three key predisposing factors to thromboembolic complications: vessel wall abnormalities (endothelial injury), abnormal flow, and coagulation state.

What is hypercoagulability in Virchows Triad?

The Virchow triad identifies the three underlying factors that are thought to contribute to thrombosis: hypercoagulability, hemodynamic dysfunction (ie, stasis—from immobilization or peripheral venous obstruction—or turbulence), and endothelial injury/dysfunction.

Which condition is associated with Virchow Triad?

Over a century ago, Rudolf Virchow described 3 factors that are critically important in the development of venous thrombosis: (1) venous stasis, (2) activation of blood coagulation, and (3) vein damage. These factors have come to be known as the Virchow triad.

What puts you in a hypercoagulable state?

Causes of hypercoagulable states include medications (female hormones, estrogens and birth control pills), after surgery (post- operative period, especially hip, knee, and urinary system procedures), pregnancy, phospholipid antibodies in blood (anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulant), cancer (though most …

How is Hypercoagulation treated?

Hypercoagulation is usually treated with medicine. Most of the time, this medicine is called an anticoagulant. This is sometimes called a blood thinner. Some drug names you may hear are heparin, warfarin, dabigatran, apixaban, rivoraxaban, and aspirin.