
Where can I find more information about Nostale?

Where can I find more information about Nostale?

Here you can find all information related to NosTale. Here you can find all information related to Gameforge. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? What are you listening to right now?

Can you get a permanent ban on Nostale?

The NosTale Staff and only the NosTale Staff will determine what is and what is not seen as offensive, this will be determined on a case by case basis. Extorting players is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban. AFK-leveling is prohibited and will be punished with a temporary ban.

Who is the publisher of Nostale in India?

This version of NosTale is published by Servex Co., Ltd. India’s Sify had also acquired rights to publish NosTale. It is unknown as of March 22, 2008 when the service will start. NosTale means “The Tale of Nomads of Silver Spirit”. The game features typical MMORPG elements, such as chatting, questing, training,

Where to find more raid boxes in Nostale?

Event: Greater Chance of 2 Raid Boxes! Here you can find all information related to NosTale. Here you can find all information related to Gameforge. Who are you?

Which is the weakest class in Nostale game?

The adventurer is a mixture of everything, but is considered the weakest class, with the lowest HP, strength and equip. Everybody begins the game as an adventurer, but once a players combat level has reached 15, and job level has reached 20, players are given the option to change class, to either magician, archer or swordsman.

What are the activities of poradniki O Nostale?

MainDesert (Act 5.1)ValhallaAct 7Act 7- 2SP CardsEventsDailyOther Simulators SP Card PointsSP Cards UpgradeResistance CombineEQ UpgradeTattoos UpgradeFairies creatingPerfumeProduction ProfitMonsters EXPStylizationWheel of FortuneShellsDamage calculator Tips FAQCuriosities NPC MonstersNosTale ResidentsPartnersPets Activities

How much sp do you get per day in Nostale?

After a while your character transforms into a brand new looking character with new spells and levels that you can increase. Player start off with 10000 SP every day, known as Basic SP. If there is any SP remaining in the Basic SP, 10% of that shall be added to the Additional SP bar on recharge.