Users' questions

Where is the arrow on Facebook?

Where is the arrow on Facebook?

If not, press that key. Press and hold the “Alt” key. Press number “2” followed quickly by number “5.” Release all keys. This displays a downward-pointing arrow character in your Facebook status or message.

Can you see who Downvotes you on Facebook?

The screenshots come from Christina Hudler. According to Facebook, this is a short-term test that doesn’t affect the ranking of the comment, post, or Page. It’s designed as a way to give feedback to Facebook, not the commenter, and there will be no publicly visible count of how many downvotes a comment gets.

What does it mean when someone votes for your comment on Facebook?

What Does Upvote Mean? Upvote is a method on the website Reddit by which users can signal their approval or support for a post. Upvotes move a post towards the top of the site, and they are a way to measure how many people approve of the content that is in a post.

What happened to Downvote on Reddit?

When comments gets downvotes enough times, it will actually become a collapsed thread, hidden from other viewers.

What do the arrows on FB mean?

There’s one up arrow and one down arrow, and both arrows sit below comments in several areas of Facebook. Much like Reddit, comments are upvoted or downvoted, and rise or fall in large threads as such. Basically Facebook copied Reddit.

What does arrow mean on Facebook?

If you have the option in your groups, you’ll see this notification in your comment streams: The interconnected arrow icon is a new format for the option, while Facebook also allocates a point system for your response, though it doesn’t register which members of the group have voted.

What do the up down arrows mean on Facebook?

Next to the comment an upward and a downward arrow are displayed, a value in between. With a click on the upward arrow, the comment is upvoted. By clicking on the downward arrow the comment is downvoted. A user can rate a comment in this way only once. This ensures that over-committed people can not distort the image.

Does Facebook have a dislike button?

You now can have the ability to use a Facebook Dislike Button! Dislike to your hearts content! When you press the dislike button we will automatically show you that you disliked the post, also it will automatically comment a dislike button on their comment section so they know that you disliked their post.

What do the arrows on Facebook mean?

So Facebook has a dislike button now – only it’s shaped like an arrow. There’s one up arrow and one down arrow, and both arrows sit below comments in several areas of Facebook. Much like Reddit, comments are upvoted or downvoted, and rise or fall in large threads as such. Basically Facebook copied Reddit.

What is up in FB comment?

In the description for upvotes, Facebook explains that: “Press the up arrow if you think the comment is helpful or insightful” While the downvote option is for: “… if a comment has bad intentions or is disrespectful.

Do you lose karma if you get Downvoted?

However, as far as we are concerned, karma is earned for both comments and posts. When one of your comments or posts is ‘up-voted’ karma is applied to your account. Equally, when your comments or posts are ‘down-voted’, you lose karma.

Who has the highest karma on Reddit?

#1 Apostolate. The king. Apostolate claims to be a law student in New York. A redditor since January 2012, he has 1,374,900 comment karma.