
How do you control sand?

How do you control sand?

In order to avoid sand production, there are two main methods as listed below;

  1. Passive sand control.
  2. Active sand control.
  3. Stand alone screens.
  4. Expandable Sand Screen.
  5. Gravel Pack (Cased Hole and Open Hole) and Frack Pack.
  6. Chemical Consolidation.

What is sand management?

Sand Management is an operating concept where traditional sand control means are not normally applied, and production is managed through monitoring and control of well pressures, fluid rates and sand influx. Also, an essential tool is a sand monitoring technology to allow real-time quantitative sand flux tracking.

What is sand control completion?

Sand control technologies prevent migration of reservoir sand and fines into a wellbore, stabilizes the reservoir, and enhances productivity. Simplify your completion by choosing an engineered, integrated service for your openhole or cased hole application.

What is the main merit of expandable sand screens over standalone screen completions?

As the sand screen is expanded, it eliminates the annulus between the screen and the borehole. This feature has further benefits: Eliminating the screen/wellbore annulus effectively permits smaller diameter sandface completions for the same production bore size.

Why do we need sand control?

Collapse of the formation around the well occurs when large volumes of sand are produced. Considering these consequences of sand production, the desired solution to sand production is to control it downhole. Compaction of the reservoir rock may occur as a result of reduced pore pressure leading to surface subsidence.

What causes sand production?

The internal causes of sand production from the reservoir are the stress state of borehole wall rock and the tensile strength of rock (affected chiefly by consolidation strength of rock), whereas external causes are the producing pressure drawdown value and the change in reservoir fluid pressure.

What is sand production problem?

Sand production occurs when the stress on the formation exceeds the formation strength and result in rock failure. Rock failure happens due to tectonic activities, overburden pressure, pore pressure, stress induced during drilling and also producing fluid drag force [2].

What factors affect sand production?

What are the main oil well problems?

For oil wells, these problems include low productivity, sand production, excessive gas production, and excessive water production. For gas wells, the problems include low productivity, excessive water production, liquid loading, and sand production. Formation damage causes low productivity in both oil and gas wells.

What is unconsolidated sand?

An Unconsolidated Sandstone is a rock which contains loosely arranged grains that do not form strong adherence bonds. If hydrocarbons are produced from unconsolidated formations, there are very high chances that sand will also be produced in large quantities along with the hydrocarbons due to the weak bonding.

What is well problem?

Well issues are centered around lack of water, usually caused by the time of year. Late summer is most common. Overuse is typical in spring and summer, and it can eventually draw down the water table so that it falls below the depth of the pump.

What is oil and gas troubleshooting?

Troubleshooting case study on industrial equipment. The objective of these exercises is to list, per equipment, the main operating conditions, the main causes of malfunction or failure and the different solution to implement in order to solve the situation (PDCA Method). Troubleshooting case study on industrial units.