
What is wrong with my dragon wing begonia?

What is wrong with my dragon wing begonia?

Dragon Wing Pest or Diseases Wing begonias are prone to mealybugs, whitefly pest infestations. It can sometimes get affected by chewing insects, root rot (overwatering) and powdery mildew, but they hardly ever go beyond control. Avoid over-watering or planting in poorly draining soil as wet soils can lead to root rot.

Are dragon wing begonias poisonous to humans?

Safe Or Not? NOT! The sap of begonias can be toxic or irritating to nearly everything, including humans. There are few flowers as recognizable and beautiful as begonias.

Are angel wing begonias hard to care for?

Angel Wing Begonia Care The angel wing begonia houseplant likes moist soil, but not soggy. Allow the soil to dry between waterings. Locate the angel win begonia houseplant in bright indirect light, in moderate temperatures. When growing angel wing begonias for the attractive foliage, flowers may not be desirable.

Are angel wing and dragon wing begonias the same?

Dragon Wing Begonia is a 2- to 3-foot tall, cane-forming begonia with deep, glossy-green, 5-inch long leaves and drooping clusters of flowers. Angel Wing Begonias have green leaves with white spots and are available in the same colors: red, pink and white. The only real difference is the coloration of the leaves.

Why is my dragon wing begonia dying?

Overwatering and underwatering are the most common causes of a begonia wilting. Begonias wilt quickly once their soil dries out, but maintaining excessively wet soil can also result in dramatic wilting due to root rot. Temperature stress, transplant shock, pests, and disease can also cause drooping.

Can you trim a dragon wing begonia?

Begonias can be cut back to within 3 inches of the soil to revitalize them, if necessary, but pinching and pruning is not the end of the story. Sterilize pruning tools with household disinfectant spray before and after use.

Can I put my angel wing begonia outside?

Planting instructions. Angel wing begonias can be planted outdoors in areas where the weather is warm and somewhat humid. If outdoor temperatures regularly drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, these plants can be placed in pots and brought indoors.

Do angel wing begonias like sun or shade?

Angel wing begonia plants like bright, indirect light year-round. They are not as sensitive to direct light as rex begonias, but cannot handle the direct sunlight of a wax begonia. If you don’t want your plant to flower, a partial shade location will allow it to grow without producing blooms.

Can angel wing begonia be outside?

Planting instructions Angel wing begonias can be planted outdoors in areas where the weather is warm and somewhat humid. If outdoor temperatures regularly drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, these plants can be placed in pots and brought indoors.

Why is my angel wing begonia dying?

Too wet, too dry, too much direct sun, excess fertilizer and low humidity are all possible causes for brown, drying tips on angel-wing begonias.

Should you cut back dragon wing begonias?

Do hummingbirds like dragon wing begonias?

Dragon Wing® Pink begonia attracts plenty of hummingbirds thanks to its lovely pink blooms. It works well as a companion plant in containers and hanging baskets. Plus, it’s heat-tolerant and has glossy green leaves.